
Filed in In Season by on May 31, 2013

beets -300

FACTS – highly nutritious and “cardiovascular health” friendly root vegetable. The antioxidants found in this root and the top-greens have found to offer protection against coronary artery disease and strokes, and lowers the cholesterol levels within the body, and has anti-aging effects. Its nutritional benefits come from fiber, vitamins, minerals and unique plant derived anti-oxidants. Beets are being used in a variety of delicacies such as the root of the Beet may even be eaten raw in salads with carrots, radish, cucumber and cabbage. Steam the small Beet cubes and serve warm with butter as a delicacy. Cooked Beet chunks are enjoyed as a side dish with added olive oil, vinegar or lemon juice, which is a European delicacy.

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