In Season
Kale: Red & Green
FACTS – Anti-inflammatory, low calories, antioxidants, low carb, Vitamin K C A, Calcium, Potassium, Lutein. Kale is a vital vegetable that is rich in nutrients, health benefits and delicious flavor. Per calorie, Kale has more iron than beef, more calcium than milk, 10% more Vitamin C than spinach. Kale is good for the eyes, skin […]
Onions : Four Varieties
FACTS: Onions come in an arrangement of colors, shapes and flavors such as scallions and shallots, cooking onions, red and white onions. Onions can be baked, boiled, fried, grilled, roasted, sautéed or even eaten raw. They pair well with apples, parsley, pepper, thyme and tomatoes.
Peppers : Three Varieties
FACTS: Sweet Peppers have a mild sweet flavor and crisp juicy flesh. When young most peppers are a rich bright green, but there are also yellow, orange and red peppers. Red and Green Peppers have ripened longer and are very sweet. Sweet peppers can be baked, broiled, grilled or roasted. They pair well with basil, […]